Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Star Struck...No, Not That Kind

I knew I was a bit loopy in my last post....I left out, quite possibly, one of the absolute best parts of the tramp. During the second night, we stayed in Stony Bay which had a quaint little country store (fresh eggs, produce, meat, cereals, and an honesty box). The entire store was no larger than the size of a gas station bathroom, and I was a little too obsessed with it. They even had an old fashioned scale to weigh your purchases. Anyway, these huts didn't have electricity as did those from the night before. As it got dark I headed down to the beach with another girl in hopes of seeing penguins. We only saw a couple seals on the beach, but we did hear some penguins under a neighboring hut. Anyhow, as there was no means of lighting other than fire, we all went to bed by about ten. Around twelve, I woke up (very annoyed) by my bunkmates snoring and talking in her sleep, and since it was so dark, couldn't find my ear plugs. I also suddenly realized that I had to go to the bathroom. The loo is about 50 yards from the hut, but you must go outside. I laid there for a few minutes, deliberating if it was worth it, when I decided I had no choice. Once I managed my way down from the bunk without killing myself and waking everybody else, I stepped outside into the chilly air. I looked in front of me, and then up. I can't say I've ever been so in awe in my life, at least not that I can recall. I was actually a little startled when I saw them....Stars! Bright, brilliant, gleaming stars against a pure black sky. No moon in sight, just hundreds and hundreds of stars. Even when I've gone camping, I've never seen such a clear sky. They shone brighter than those displays you see at a science musueam. So I just stood there, still awestruck for a good few minutes, and have now decided that I just might need to find a guide to the constellations for the Southern Hemisphere.

1 comment:

Kel said...

Oh wow - so cool. I get goosebumps just reading about it.