Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I departed Wanaka yesterday afternoon, and was on the road a good 40 minutes when I realized that I needed to fill my gas tank. With filling stations being as unpredictable as they are in many parts, I turned around, headed back to town, and fueled up my orange little van. On my way out, I realized how late it would be before I got to Te Aunua (sp?), and decided to head back to the east coast to explore the penguins. I went in search of the yellow eyed ones last night, but could not find any. However, there is a reserve for blue penguins (they are under a foot tall), and I went there for a 9 pm showing. No cameras were allowed as they are sensitive to the light, but sodium lighting was used (like sea turtles, they can't see certain light spectrums) for our viewing pleasure. They were so entertaining to watch as they approached their little nests, some youngsters waiting eagerly for mom or dad to bring back some food (the parents share the task of warming eggs and feeding until they are mature enough to fend for themselves). There was a seal on the rocks, and whenever it moved, many of the penguins would retreat.

TodayI'm off to see what other species of penguins I can find, and will try to get some pictures (although it's difficult for me to upload them while I'm away. My time is up, so I must go. Bye!

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